Setting Up Private Field Sites

Catalyst can help with the setup of your Private Fields Site, but you need provide the following information to ensure the fields, security and permissions are set up correctly:

The fields are called private, because they cannot be accessed by anyone not specifically given rights to them. Not only are users not allowed to see the fields or access them, they also cannot search them, run audits on the information contained in them, or access the information in any way. Site setup is different with private fields because special fields have to be added and associated with the private Security Groups.

Speak with your Project Consultant for more information.

Examples of Private Field Sites

Many of our clients represent one party in a lawsuit involving several other parties, either with similar or very different interests. Sometimes, counsel work together in a joint defense group representing different parties but working together on some aspects of the litigation. Typically, they share some common interests, which may be a specific collection of documents. They may even jointly pay for review of documents or simply split the hosting fees.

Though the circumstances may differ widely from case to case, all parties using a private field site need to have certain fields accessible only to their team.

Here is an example:

A joint defense group has a common set of documents and everyone who has access to the site, must see, search, and comment on the document records. All parties need access to the objective data (author, recipient, title, etc.) There are multiple different parties involved. Each party in the joint defense group wants to code for issues and make comments on the record set and have their comments and issues completely hidden from any of the other parties. All parties want to save money and split the costs, since they are reviewing the same documents. Different issue and comment fields need to be set up for each party. Catalyst handles these types of cases through the use of private fields.

Here is another example of a project requiring private fields:

Two parties have opposing clients. Obviously, they do not want to share any of their data or any other information. But, they split the costs of processing, and they share the hosting costs. They can all access the metadata associated to the documents they share (To, From, Date, etc.), but they have other fielded information they do not want to share (comments, hotdoc, etc.) Though they both access some of the same records in the repository, they also have their own collections of documents on the site. They will review their collections independently. Each side gets access to the joint documents and their own, and they will not get access to the other parties' documents until after they have reviewed and produced them. Once they produce to the other side, they allow opposing counsel permissions to see the production on the site. Documents that are not produced remain private or get removed from the site entirely.