Review Projects – Jobs
To monitor actions taken to Review Projects, click Review Projects in the Jobs module. Under Filters, each check box is selected by default:
Pending (jobs in the queue);
In Progress (the action is in process);
Completed (finalized Review Projects jobs) or
Error (jobs that incurred errors).
Clear or select the check boxes you need.
Leave the Type menu set to All, or expand it to filter your report by a specific action:
Copy to Predict Project
Remove From Predict Project
Move To (this reports on the action of moving to a different stage)
Assign To
Items appearing on this page include:
The Job ID is a reference number and is useful when working with Catalyst Support in troubleshooting jobs.
Email shows the email of the review administrator who took the action if available.
Created By displays who took the action.
There is also a Create Date column that shows the time the action was initiated.
If the review administrator chose to include any notes in the Wizard, this will show in the Notes column, and you can see the Status and any Error Info if available as well.
The Actions column
allows you to take certain actions on the jobs you are monitoring.
Select the View State button
() to see details about the job process.
You can sort the results by clicking any of the column headings. Use Refresh at the top of the page when you are waiting for Pending jobs to finish.