Standard Processing Procedures

Our standard processing includes the following steps, which apply to all processing jobs:

Anti-Virus Check

All files submitted for processing are checked for viruses. Files containing viruses are removed from the population. These files will be reported on the Inventory report as errors.

Virus checks are run at several additional stages in the process including after message files and their attachments have been extracted and during the copying and loading phase into your site.

File Extraction

All container files are extracted to individual files. Container files within containers will be extracted recursively until the process is complete.

File Detection for Files with Ambiguous or Missing Extensions

We scan all files in an attempt to determine their file type. In doing so, we use commercial software that attempts to analyze the file to determine its source formatting.

If the file type can be determined and differs from the original extension, we add the appropriate extension and continue processing.

Password Protection

We check container files (e.g., ZIPs, RARs, PSTs, NSFs) for password protection and report any we find. We typically don’t scan other files to determine if they are password protected.

Individual files that are password protected will be noted as errors (text could not be indexed) on the Insight site and can be reviewed there.

Upon request and for an extra fee, Catalyst will attempt to crack password files using commercial software. If necessary, we can send protected files to a forensics group for recovery. We do not have the ability to crack passwords for NSFs, ZIP and RAR files.