Email Conversations and Threading

To display email Conversations and Threads in the Detail page form, the following fields are required:

In the document window display, there are two linked document types:





Missing Emails

Missing emails are identified this way: If there is a thread depth of five, there should be at least five emails in the ThreadGroup field where the field ParentDoc is equal to 1. If not, there are missing emails.

For example, there are five documents linked by the same ThreadGroup, and the display field is Begcontrol, such as:


Begcontrol = KF0001 ParentDoc = 1

Begcontrol = KF0002 ParentDoc = 0

Begcontrol = KF0003 ParentDoc = 0

Begcontrol = KF0004 ParentDoc = 1

Begcontrol = KF0005 ParentDoc = 0.


Then those with a ParentDoc of 0 will have the “missing” value in the tree view. Catalyst will set up the conversations and email threads in the Linked Documents section of Insight.

Finding Documents with Email Threads

To search for documents with email threads, run this search:

parentdoc="1" and threaddepth > "0"

Threading Q&A

Q: If I'm doing our processing, what field(s) do I need to send to Catalyst? 

A: Send the EmailThreadID and check with your Catalyst representative to make sure you have all of the above fields on your site. We'll take care of the rest. We will populate the other fields and make the linked connection to the other parts of the thread on your site.