Other File Conversions

Because Insight is a native file review systems, we do not typically convert the files we process to another format. If you need conversion services prior to your review, we can accommodate your request.

You can also convert files through the interface in Insight. If you convert, you should be aware of our standard conversion settings. The Conversion Settings Workbook shows the default settings we use. If you would like to change the defaults, download this document and send it to your Catalyst Project Consultant.

OCR Image Files

We do not OCR image files or check image files for the existence of OCR’d text as a matter of course. If you need image files to be OCR’d, please discuss that request with your Catalyst Project Consultant. There will be an extra charge for locating and OCR’ing image files.

HTML Conversion

As part of the loading and indexing process, we convert general Office formats to HTML. This provides the user with a quick preview of the native file, one that can be viewed in a browser without need for any special client software. For example, our system will attempt to convert Word, Excel and PowerPoint files to HTML automatically and display the files on your site as HTML Previews.

These renderings provide the text of the documents in a format that is similar but not always exactly like the original. As with email, documents can display differently in different client applications or even in different versions of a particular type of client software. In addition, the previews don’t show hidden rows for Excel files or reviewer track changes for Word files or notes for PowerPoint files.

Insight provides access to the original native file so that users can have direct access to the document itself for viewing in the client viewer of their choice.

Custom Conversions

We can convert most file formats to HTML, PDF or TIFF for viewing. There is a separate charge for this service.

Although we use a number of industry standard packages for conversion, we make no representation that all files will convert, or will convert properly, to another format. If you have questions about file conversions, please discuss them with your Catalyst Project Consultant.