Fields Administration

Insight offers approximately 250 fields, which can be used in your site. Click the Admin button, and at Site Configuration select Fields.

Insight Field Categories

Fields are categorized by their type and include:

List of Fields

Filters at the left provide a quick way to find an existing field and include:

Editing Fields

If you need to add or change fields, click the Edit Fields button at the top of the page. This button may temporarily be disabled if other processes involving fields are being carried out on the site. Fields that are editable have an Edit (pencil) button. Clicking it allows you to change certain properties. A single-value field can be changed to a multi-value field, but a multi-value field cannot be changed to a single-value field.



Create a New Field or Edit an Existing Field

Insight standard fields meet the needs of most sites, and it is best practice to add or edit fields at the beginning of the site, not after documents are uploaded. Fields are part of the XML record, and any documents already uploaded to the site will not contain the new fields. Adding fields after documents are loaded requires re-indexing. Depending on the number of documents on the site, this can be time consuming and delay review.

  1. Click Edit Fields button and then the Create Custom Field button. (Remember to edit an existing field, click the Edit (pencil) button beside the field; the Add and Edit dialog boxes are identical; however options may not be available.)

  1. In the Create Custom Field page, enter a name for your field (the system will inform you if the name doesn’t match the system requirements).

  2. At Data Type, expand the menu and select the database type. Choose Date/Time to create a field that will be populated with date and time information. Date fields will only contain date information. Most fields are Text fields, which mean they do not have to meet specific criteria. If the field will contain numbers that are not dates, select Number. Once a custom field has been saved in the database, the Data Type menu is no longer enabled. You cannot change the type of data for a field once it is stored.



  1. The next field properties you can set include:

  1. Click the Add to Pending Changes button.

  1. The Save Changes button at the top of the page is enabled now. Click it to instruct the system to carry out all the field changes you have made. Any edits you made in the field dialog boxes will not be captured if you do not click Save Changes.