Site Configuration

At Site Configuration, manage fields, lists of fields, Collections (Matters on multi-matter sites),Search and Field Aliases, Dynamic Folders  and certain Site Settings.  

Site Settings

  1. Click the Admin button, and then click Site Settings, and the Edit Site button.

  2. You can rename the user interface name for the site in the Display Name field. This name can include case sensitivity and spaces, such as Insight Demo.

  3. If your site requires a landing page your users must read and acknowledge before accessing the site, select the Use Agreement checkbox.

  4. Add the URL for your landing page at the Agreement Page text box. The Partner Reference field is set up during site setup. It should not be changed in this page.

  1. The Time Zone ID field default is Mountain Standard Time. We use  this setting because that is the time zone for the Catalyst servers.

  2. To make your site a Private Fields site in this page by select this checkbox. This is originally determined at site setup, but can be selected at this page. Once a site is made a Private Fields site, this checkbox is disabled, and the site cannot be converted back.

  3. To change the amount of time between when a user is idle and when the site logs off the idle user, expand the Session Timeout (Minutes) menu. Options available are between 15 minutes and 24 hours.

  4. Click the Save Site button at the top of the page to save your changes.


We don't recommend making other changes in Site Settings since they are determined at site setup or are not used.