Processing File Inclusions and Exclusions

Insight is a single processing, culling, review and image creation platform. We receive a wide range of file types for processing and loading into Insight. Many are not appropriate for indexing or review for a variety of reasons. Some are system and program files, others are utility files and yet others have no viewable content.

To protect our system and to keep review costs to a minimum, we regularly exclude NIST (program) files and a number of other file types from processing. The NIST list itself is extensive (over 50 million known files).

For processing purposes, we use Lexmark Document Filters.

Additionally, below is more information about the files we include or exclude during the inventory phase of processing.

System and Program Files

Non Reviewable Files

If you want to exclude additional file types, or do not want to exclude any of the listed file types, contact your Project Consultant.

Recommended Inclusions

There are situations where it may be appropriate to target only common user file types and disregard all other files types. In this case an inclusion list—rather than an exclusion list—may be appropriate for the project.

If you choose this option, only file types on the inclusion list will be processed and loaded to the site. All other file types will be excluded. The file inclusion list can be restrictive. We recommend talking to your Project Consultant before finalizing an inclusion list for processing. Here are our recommended file types for an inclusion list:

These recommendations are based on standard practices. Your case requirements may vary; use this list only as a starting recommendation.