Automated Processing

Catalyst Automated Processing is our system for processing native files and containers and loading them into Insight. Our goal is to make unprocessed data available on our products quickly and with few or no mistakes. Automation provides that ability and also allows us to reduce processing costs.

Every step of the process is tracked in the Catalyst ticketing system. That system shows updates as the processing and uploading takes place on your files.

You may submit native files of any type to us via FTP or when necessary by hard drives (for large content volumes). When received via FTP, our system will process and load the documents automatically in accordance with your instructions. Depending on the volume of your data and the number of other client requests that are pending, processing and loading can be completed the same day or by the following morning.

When using automated processing, here is some information on data transfer size to be aware of:

Automated Processing of ZIP and PST files

Automated Processing Setup

Automated processing is tied to a specific site in Insight. Let your Catalyst Project Consultant know that you want to use the Automated system for processing, and we will activate Automated Processing for your site. We will provide you with FTP access to move your files into our processing system.

Automated processing setup involves two steps:

  1. Set up your automated processing site by choosing processing options.

  2. Identify your custodians and provide some basic information about each. Specifically, we need:

  1. Loose files must be archived in a ZIP or RAR file for automated processing to work.

Notification of New Processing

When you deliver documents for processing, after the initial request, Catalyst may have to be notified. For Automated deliveries, after you FTP the files into the folder, a ticket will be started immediately. This is the notification to Catalyst that the documents are there. No additional notification is required for Automated processing.

If you are delivering documents to Catalyst via the traditional method, you must send a Data Transfer Log in an email to Catalyst Support and your Project Consultant. This log must include the custodian and sub-collection information for the files that are being delivered.