File and Folder Names and Organization

The requirements in this section are critical to complete your upload in a timely manner. If the data delivery does not meet all of these requirements then there will be significant delays in completing the upload and you may be billed for the associated technical time.

Special Characters

File and folder names should not include characters other than alphanumeric characters or dashes. Special ASCII characters should not be used. For example, do not include ampersands (&), commas (,) or apostrophes (‘) in file or folder names. If paths to files include other types of characters, we may have to rename the files and/or folders, adding additional time and cost to the upload process. All files should be named after the begcontrol [or begbates] number (e.g., begcontrol.ext) and the naming of the files is case sensitive.

File Organization

All files that correspond to a record should have an associated field in the load file that includes the full path and filename for the specific file. For example, if a record will have a native file and a text file loaded, then there should be a field called “Filepath” and a field “Textpath” in the loadfile. The data in that field will point to the specific file as it appears in the uncompressed ZIP/RAR file.

Below are two common delivery configurations that illustrate how each record has one entry in the load file that references the two potential file types.

Native File Example:

B1   Files001\0egControl   Filepath   Textpath

0000000001.DOC   Files001\000001.TXT

Image File Example:

BegControl   Filepath   Indexpath

000002   Files001\000002.PDF   Files001\000002.TXT

Extraneous Files

Please be aware that any files included in deliveries will be included in storage costs, regardless of their use on the site. For example, OCR text files that are not used because native files are being indexed and viewed, or files that do not have corresponding metadata records, will be billed even though they are not accessible on the site.

Zero-Filled Dates

Catalyst handles incomplete dates that are zero-filled (those with 00 for the month and/or day and/or 0000 for the year) as follows:

The deleted date information is stored in the XML file in the “indexissuedetail” field. By keeping the invalid date data, the document will still come back in results when a search is run against it using the invalid dates.

Catalyst can accept true date and time data into the date fields, but for optimized search functionality we ask that any date/time fields be split into separate date fields, and separate time fields.