Hibernation, Deactivation, and Archives

Site Deactivation and Hibernation Options

When you no longer need an active site, you have several options. Complete the Insight Site Deactivation, Hibernation and Archive Request Form and send it to your Catalyst Project Consultant. Our options allow you to shut down a site completely and request a record export or archive, or put your site into a state of hibernation.

Physical media in our possession can be returned to you or destroyed. Please Indicate your preference on the form.

Note: If you have a delinquent outstanding balance, archive operations will be delayed until you make arrangements with Catalyst.

Deactivation, Exports and Archives

Request to deactivate a site when you no longer need it. There are some options available to you:

Deactivation Only – No Backup

Catalyst will remove your site and all associated documents. You will not receive the documents and data associated with the site and Catalyst will not maintain any copies. The site cannot be restored.

Deactivation and Record Archive

Catalyst will remove your site and all records associated to it, but you will receive an export (archive) of all records (documents and data associated to those documents).

If you wish to restore the site in the future, the site will be created as a new site and your record export will be loaded to the new site.

Deactivation and Site Backup

Catalyst will remove your site and all records associated to it and you will receive a backup of the site. The backup will include a record archive (as detailed above) but you will also receive additional information so that if restoration is done at a later date, the site will be restored to the state it was in before the deactivation. See What Your Archive or Backup Looks Like.

If you know you may want to restore the site in the future, you should select this option. (Consider the option of hibernation.)

Site Hibernation

Hibernating a Site

Sometimes cases go dormant for months at a time but deactivation of your site is not a viable option. When this is the case Catalyst offers you the ability to hibernate a site so that it can quickly be brought back online when needed. Think of this as near line storage of your site. With hibernation, no users will be able to access the site, but you will not have to reload data and go through the time and cost associated with the restoration of an archived, deactivated site when you need to bring it back online.

Partial Hibernation

Occasionally you may need to hibernate certain documents from your site while maintaining access to others. We refer to this as a partial hibernation. It is similar to a site hibernation in that access to documents is removed for all users, however, this restriction is only applied to the documents that you choose to hibernate rather than the whole site.

What Your Archive or Backup Looks Like

The delivery for an archive and a backup are the same. The delivery includes a load file and all document versions including XML, native, PDF, redactions, image documents that have been OCRed in PDF format, and extracted text.

All backups (archives) include extracted text and load files. The load file build process extracts text from the XML documents and creates the extracted text file and extracts metadata from the XML documents for insertion into the load file.

The load file has pointers to all document versions, so you can decide whether to load or ignore any of the files.

·        New features and upgrades can affect the amount of time it takes to restore data.

·        New features and upgrades are not always compatible with aging backup files.

·        As time passes, the risk of incompatibility increases.

We will always be able to restore metadata and documents, but we cannot guarantee that a new feature will work properly with an aging backup.

If we do not keep a backup of the site, in other words, archive only, all documents can still be ingested/loaded into a new (empty) site. While the XML documents and associated files will be restored, other objects (folders, users, projects, etc.) can't and won't be restored, because the site was deleted.