Insight Dashboard

Insight’s Dashboard page provides real-time information about the documents in your site. Those who have the UseDashboard permission will see the Dashboard when they log into Insight (for most users, Insight opens on the Search page).

Each chart on the Dashboard is interactive and described below. Click on any of the items within these charts to view those documents in the Results page.

Document Population Overview

       Top Collections: Displays the number of documents in the top collections. This chart will not show collections not assigned to you. Administrators typically have access to all collections.

       Non-Indexed Documents: Lists the indexing errors and provides links to retrieve those documents. See Non-Indexed Documents for more information.

       Document Population Over Time: Displays the number of documents uploaded by the month of the upload.

       Top Custodians: Provides a list of the custodians who have the most documents on your site.

       Top DocTypes: Displays the types of documents that comprise the majority of your documentation population (information often useful in native file review).

       Review Projects Breakdown: Displays the projects with the most documents, as well as the number of documents currently unassigned to a project.

       Most Recent Jobs: Displays snapshot reports about uploads, processing and production jobs carried out on your site. Select the appropriate option from the menu at the top of the chart. Click view all to access detailed information regarding uploads, processing, and production jobs.

       Review Metrics: Enables you to chart the number of documents on your site based on the values of the field you select from the menu at the top of the chart.

       Production Metrics: Displays the number of pages and documents produced.