Policy for Joint Repositories

On a regular basis, Catalyst is asked to host a repository for multiple parties. In some cases, the parties are completely aligned in their interests. In others, the parties are partially aligned in their interests, for example, a joint plaintiff or defense group. In yet others, the parties are completely adverse, such as opposing parties sharing a central document repository. This document sets forth Catalyst's practices and procedures regarding the handling of joint repositories. These policies and procedures will be presented to our clients when we undertake a joint repository, and we will follow them in providing services for our clients. If you have any questions about these, please contact a Catalyst representative.

What is a Joint Repository?

Joint repositories involve documents and data that are shared jointly between more than one party in interest. A joint repository is shared by client entities that have an independent interest in retaining our services. The entities may be aligned with respect to their interests in the repository. They may be partially aligned-as in they may be partially adverse or could become adverse at a later time depending on circumstances-or they may be adverse. In any event, a joint repository occurs when Catalyst provides services to multiple parties through a common repository system or multiple systems that involve shared data or documents.

For purposes of clarity, joint repositories do not include situations where Catalyst has two separate clients and hosts data or documents that are managed independently. This includes cases where Catalyst is retained independently by multiple parties in a litigation (whether they are on the same or opposite sides of a case). Depending on the circumstances, we may or may not be at liberty to disclose the fact that we are acting for more than one party to a litigation. In that case we will take internal steps to make sure that information relating to one party is not shared with the other party, and will manage those systems on an independent basis.

Joint Repository Policies and Procedures

In situations where we are asked to host a joint repository we will do the following:

Our point in issuing these policies and procedures is not to complicate our relationship with our clients or adopt an overly formulaic approach to our services in situations involving joint repositories. Rather, our intent is to reinforce our position as a neutral repository and to assure all parties involved that our actions will be fair and consistent to all.