Release Notes

We regularly upgrade Insight. Releases are announced through notifications on the Insight login page, emails to our admins and partners, and you can also access notes here.

OpenText Insight Release Notes July 26, 2019

OpenText's Insight team is deploying the ability to copy user roles along with an update to the User Roles UI to have a cleaner look and feel.

OpenText Insight Release Notes, May 31, 2019

In our first major release in two years, we deliver an update to Productions to improve overall performance as well as giving clients the ability to create and reuse Production Specifications and added collection management capabilities of Insight Legal Hold & Collect.

OpenText Insight Release Notes, April, 8, 2019

In this release we have made an update to the Jobs Module. We have added a page for monitoring Machine Translation status. Users will be able to see the Machine Translation job, the status of the job, as well as job details. We have also implemented some additional improvements and bug fixes.

2018 Releases

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, October 19, 2018

An update to the Power Search module in Insight will now allow users to update two types of fields based on a Power Search Report to aid in identifying documents with hits and what the corresponding key terms are.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, August 24, 2018

In this Release Note, we implemented some updates to Insight’s software logic which include improved production performance, a security feature enhancement, and a few minor bug fixes.

Catalyst Release Notes, April 27, 2018

In this release, we provide additional improvements for identifying indexing exceptions, the ability to import a .csv file containing searches into Power Search and enhanced certain areas of the UI including a delimitation between documents in the redaction module.

Catalyst Release Notes, March 2, 2018

New features rolled out in March include automated redactions for PDFs, improvements to the Insight Navigation menu and other enhancements to the interface.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, January 19, 2018

In this release, we rolled out more flexibility for review administrators cloning Review Projects, placed access to our Video Tutorials page within the Insight Support menu, provided explanations for browser compatibility and pointed our users to our updated Indexing Policy.

2017 Releases

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, December 1, 2017

In this release, we've upgraded our FTP security protocols, enhanced Print and Export features and provided more delivery options for productions.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, November 3, 2017

On November 3, 2017 in the U.S. and Tuesday, November 7 in Japan, we released several Predict improvements as well as breadcrumb navigation and enhancements to Review forms and Forms Admin.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, August 4, 2017

On Friday August 4, 2017, in the U.S. and Tuesday, August 8, 2017, in Japan, we are delivering continuous production begcontrol numbering, better sorting of highlighting in the new document Viewer, improvements for administrators who set up get more documents parameters in Review Projects and much more.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, June 23, 2017

With this latest release, we added a quick Print button to the Viewer, enhanced the Highlights panel feature, updated our password reset message, merged a couple of columns in the Results page and more.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, May 5, 2017

We are happy to announce this latest release. It is our biggest release in the past two years, and it includes automated redaction features and an update to the Navigation menu and wizards.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes-Japan, May 9, 2017

In Japan, our release includes the new Navigation menu and updated Action selections.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, March 3, 2017

With this release, we offer better password security, have streamlined the look of the fields in forms and have added the ability to change the interface language to French.

Please read our update to managing user passwords.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes January 20, 2017

This release brings a sophisticated Viewer for displaying documents. This viewer integrates all the information and retains the original formats. Additionally we have enhanced the Highlights features, user forms, and Forms Administration.

View a Demonstration Video of these new features.

We released new features to our sites in Japan on January 24, 2017, and these notes can be found here:

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, January 24, 2017

2016 Releases:

Catalyst Insight Release Notes September 23, 2016

This release includes several enhancements to the Predict Module, including Daily Richness charts, foldering options and more; the ability to download different versions of a file in the Document Detail Page; enhanced document printing options; and Production Module improvements.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, August 26, 2016

Our August release includes many feature-rich changes, including a new email threading display, several Predict customizations, Production Module Enhancements, and new easier to understand non-indexed documents definitions.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, February 26, 2016

Included with this release are document coding, saving and navigation speed upgrades, enhancements providing lower costs to Predict projects and user interface improvements.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, January 22, 2016

This release includes Results Page Display improvements, with easier-to-use Display menus and changes to default Filters; Dynamic Folders enhancements with easier-to-use Folder structures; Active Review/Predict improvements, which make it easier for administrators to manage projects.

2015 Releases:

View a summary of the changes we made to Insight in 2015:

2015 Release Notes Summary

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, December 2, 2015

This release features the new login page notification, improvements to the Timeline, Dynamic Folder structure and document viewers. We also announced our new policy for indexing.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, November 4, 2015

Insight's latest release features Search Folders available in Dynamic Folders, upgrades to folders and folder menus, and Timeline and Communication Explorer enhancements.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, October 7, 2015

The new release features an integrated Timeline in the Results page for easily narrowing document sets by specific dates. Communication tools and charts are easier to access with the new tabbed menu in the Results page, and there are several enhancements to the Predict module.  

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, September 9, 2015

This release features enhanced viewers for native files, as well as updates to Dynamic Folders administration.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, July 29, 2015

Included in this release is the Communication Explorer, which displays communications based on data retrieved from the email fields of documents returned in a results set. There are also improvements to the multi-value and Tracked Search menus, as well as other interface enhancements.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, June 17, 2015

New features in this release include Active Review, which integrates the Predict algorithm into all of Insight's review methods; the ability to generate samples from results sets; faster paging and other interface enhancements.

2014 Releases:

Catalyst Insight Release Notes Summary--2014

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, November 5, 2014

Upgrades implemented in this release include Results page filters, document translation is available, outside counsel production uploads can be carried out by clients and more.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, September 03, 2014

This release includes changes to the Results page Table view, making available Actions easier to find and use, Production Module improvements to meet DOJ requirements and the ability for reviewers in Predict or Review Project stages to push documents through their stages.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, July 23, 2014

This release includes the ability to use produced versions of records in the Batch Print wizard, export of Audit Reports and many more feature-rich improvements.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, June 18, 2014

This release includes a new display of the total family count in the Search and Results page, as well as more flexibility in self-assigning specific numbers of documents, Detail page improvements and more.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, May 21, 2014

This release includes changes to the Results page preview and opening of documents. The updated Catalyst Insight Fields document is available. The Predict module reports and graphs have been enhanced. The ability to archive a project is available now in Review Projects.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, April 23, 2014

This release includes the ability to download reports of users, highlights search lists and more into Excel. The Predict module has been enhanced to allow automatic feeding of documents and has upgraded reports. We also have more intuitive navigation buttons to help users.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, March 26, 2014

This release includes many enhancements to the Predict module, information about the new Catalyst Core Model site, and well as core fields. We also improved the speed across our entire grid, and improved Power Search.  

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, February 26, 2014

This release allows administrators to assign documents to more than one project. New browser information is also included, as well as overlays information.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, January 31, 2014

This release includes faster page loading and faster highlighting, improvements to the Predict interface, publication of the Predict Guide. The right to create a new site can now be given to partner and client administrators who have completed site creation training. Many other enhancements and improvements are outlined in the notes.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, December 18, 2013

Enhancements in this release include faster saving and navigating of documents using the new buttons in the Detail (document) page form, Search Module changes that allow fast clearing of selected Folders, Collections and Advanced Settings, as well as faster updates in Review Projects.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, October 16, 2013

Results can now be graphed by dates with the Results page Timeline. The Productivity Reports in Review Projects display the total number of documents reviewed, including the related documents for each reviewer.  

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, October 2, 2013

Users in a Role with the ManagePublicFolders permission have the ability to move folders within Public Folders and edit and delete folders, even if they did not create the folders.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, September 4, 2013

The Predict Demo is available to users with rights. View a presentation on the advantages of Insight Predict. Other changes include naming conventions for Collections; on multi-matter sites, these are now called Matters.

Catalyst Insight Release Notes, July 18, 2013

Insight has the ability to track user actions and changes to documents in the new Reports section. These reports can be customized to include all or selected user actions and document changes and filtered by date ranges.