Results Page Search Text

If you’ve reached the Results page by running a search, the Results page allows you to view and change the search without going back to the Search page. Your search will be populated in the Search Text field on the Results page. If you’ve opened a folder to access your results, the Search Text field will be empty, but you can use the Search Text field to focus a search within your folder results.

To search:

  1. Expand the Search Text field using the Plus sign [+] button.

  2. Change the search in the Search box or use the Search Assist to add clauses and edit the search.

  3. Click the Search button or press the ENTER key on your keyboard to execute your search and bring back new results.

You can also change or limit your search query to a folder or folders.

  1. Click the Folders link to open the Saved Search Folders dialog box, which allows you to select a folder to search.

You can also change your settings or collections.

  1. Click the Clear (X) button beside Folders or Collections/Matters to reset what you are searching against.