Generate Sample

It’s often helpful to take a random sample of documents from a document set and examine them for quality control purposes. With Insight, you can quickly generate a random sample of documents from any search results set.

Samples generated in Insight are truly random. Even if you generate two different samples using the same parameters within minutes of each other, the two samples will not contain the same documents.

To generate a random sample from a search results set, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Results page, click the Generate Sample button.

  2. In the Generate Random Sample - Step 1 dialog box, accept the default settings or change options at the top of the page.

  3. Default settings determine the recommended sample size. Changing the percentages in the Confidence Level, Margin of Error, or Expected Proportion fields will adjust the number of documents that the system will return in the sample. The Recommended Sample Size is recalculated each time you adjust the options.

  4.  When you are satisfied, click Next.

  5.  In the Generate Random Sample - Step 2 dialog box, indicate where you want the new sample to be stored. Select an existing folder or create a new folder on the fly.

  6. Click the Generate Sample button and retrieve the documents from the specified folder.