Searching Redactions (Sites Using Viewer)

You can search for redactions in Insight.

Find Documents with Redactions

If you want to find all documents that have redactions, use the field Hasredactions. This field contains true or false values or, it is an empty search. The syntax to use is:




To find all documents without redactions, just place a NOT in front of the search and remember the space after the NOT operator:


NOT (hasredactions:"true")


If you search for hasredaction:”false”, you will find all documents that once had a redaction but no longer do.


Find Documents by Redaction Reason

To find all documents with a particular reason, search the field RedactionReason.


RedactionReason:Attorney Client Privilege

Find Additional Redaction Information

When documents are redacted via a converted PDF and not in the Viewer, you can search the RedactionText field. This field contains all the values associated with a redaction, such as the redaction set the document is associated with, the name of the user who redacted the document, etc. Search the field with this syntax:


redactiontext:jsmith and redactiontext:redacted


This search will bring back all documents that were redacted by jsmith and contain the word redacted in the redaction box. If the documents were redacted in the Viewer, this field is not populated.