Security Groups

If you are a global administrator with rights to all the Security Groups on your site, you will have the ability to add new Security Groups and change the fields that members of each Security Group can see.

To add or edit groups, click Security Groups in the Administration menu. In the Security Groups page, you can add new groups and associate fields with that group or edit and change fields to an existing group.

Add and Edit Security Groups

To add a new group:

  1. Click Add Security Group and provide an appropriate name for the security group. Use the triangle buttons to associate fields with the group by moving fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list. You can type in the first few letters of a field name in the Search (magnifying glass) box to focus the list if it is large. Click Add Group.

  2. To edit an existing group, click the group name so that it is highlighted in orange, and then move fields between the Available Fields and Selected Fields list, and click the Update Group button when finished.

If you have rights to more than one security group, ensure you are in the appropriate group when you make changes to these administrative features: