Automated Processing or Traditional Processing

Commonly asked questions regarding processing include:

Where does processing fit into the automated program and when is it considered traditional processing?

Considerations include:

What are the benefits of Automated Processing over Traditional Processing?

The automated process is quicker. A ticket will be created after your files are FTP’d, and updates will show the activity of your processing and uploading. With traditional processing, there may be extra steps involved depending upon the way data was delivered. If, for example, you send a hard drive, the time it takes to copy the documents off the hard drive will add to the time it takes for processing and ultimately uploading.

How can documents be delivered?

If you are delivering documents to Catalyst via the traditional method, you must send a Data Transfer Log in an email to Catalyst Support and include your Project Consultant. This log must include the custodian and collection/matter information for the files being delivered.

For automated deliveries, after you FTP the files into the folder, a ticket will be started immediately. No additional notification is required for automated processing.