Available File Output Production Formats

We offer the following options for production output:

Exclusions and Placeholders

We can exclude certain file types from the conversion process. For example, you may not want to convert Excel files but rather produce them as native files. At your option, we can insert a placeholder among the images for files we do not convert or convert just the first five pages. We can also produce the files as native and rename those files as the production number.

Speak with your Catalyst Project Consultant for full details.


If you have created document redactions using the site, we can substitute the redacted version for the original files. Please specify the redaction set you want to use for this.

The pages redacted are automatically OCR'ed in Insight. .

Brand and Endorsement Options

We offer the following options for branding file records and endorsing images:

New Production Control (Bates) Numbers

We can create new production control numbers for the documents. This information can be included in the load file and added to your site. We can also stamp the Control numbers on the pages of image files.

In creating a control number, we allow you to specify a prefix, a starting number and the number of numeric characters to pad the number. Control numbers can be a maximum of 20 total characters.

Ultimately, the width of the control number is impacted by the width of any other message imprinted on the image. If you need a wide message on the left for confidentiality, there is correspondingly less room for a control number on the right.

Please also note that the size of a document may also impact the appearance of the documents’ branding. Files that are significantly smaller or larger than the standard 8.5” x 11” may result in a branding that seems comparatively very large or small. Modifying the size of the branding on a per-document basis is a time consuming and manual process that can be done at an hourly charge.

Confidentiality Language

We can add a watermark across the image or text stamp at the bottom or top of the image page to indicate confidentiality, subject to protective order, etc. We support up to 60 characters for this message.

File Name Options

Our practice is to rename files with the Production Control Number. We provide a cross-reference table linking the native file with the load file information.