Load File Options

Image Load Files

The following image load files are provided with every production:

Other formats can be provided upon request for an additional charge.

Data Load Files

Clients may choose to include a data load file in their production which contains metadata output from any of the fields used on their site. A list of the fields to be included in this data load file must be provided in the Data and Load File Specifications Workbook.

Our default fields for productions are:

We do not provide data manipulation or normalization as part of our standard production output. Any such requests are subject to custom production charges.

Data load files are created in Microsoft Access MDB file format. This enables you to export the data with the custom delimiters and field order you need. We can also provide an export from the MDB as a text file with caret, pipe and semicolon delimiters. We can provide custom DAT or load files, but this is not done through the Insight Production Module currently. We can auto-create the files after the stamping is complete.

In rare instances, the complexity may prevent us from creating a custom DAT or load file, but this depends on the case and the complexity of the request. Load files requiring custom work are subject to an additional charge. Please discuss this with your Project Consultant.

Data Delivery Logical Format

We deliver files in folders with a typical count of 1,000 files per folder.

Typically we provide data in the following structure based on the type of production (i.e. TIFF, PDF, TEXT, NATIVE):

Load files and cross reference files are named with the beginning control number for the production.