Conditional Folder

Catalyst can set up special folders on your site to assist your review workflow. The folders are called Conditional Folders and they appear under the Folders section.

They may look something like this:


The difference between these folders and those that you can create on your site are:

Production Sweeps

A typical example of using these folders is to set up Production Sweeps. The top-level folder is created with a search identifying documents for production (e.g. NOT(ReviewStatus:”NotReviewed”) AND NOT(Produced:”Yes”)).

It will start by foldering all the documents from the search. Then, subfolders are automatically created to identify coding conflicts. This is done so you can make sure the coding conflict documents are NOT produced, but rather re-reviewed.

Some examples of documents with coding conflicts:

Those documents, and their related documents, are removed from the top-level folder. This is done so that if you want to run a production, you can run it on only the documents still existing in the top-level folder. If you would rather take care of the conflicts before running the production, you can review the documents in the coding conflicts folders, correct the coding and have the folders re-populated again.

We can also set up folders for Production Sweeps so that you can see certain groups of documents you may still want to produce but should confirm; for example privileged documents with redactions.

Typical Workflows:

Sample Conditional Folders




Folder Linked Docs

Remove From Master

CC-01 Missing ReviewStatus

ReviewStatus field wasn’t changed from default

ReviewStatus = "NotReviewed"

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-02 ForFurtherReview

ReviewStatus marked For Further Review

ReviewStatus = "ForFurtherReview"

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-03 TechnicalProblems

Review Status marked Technical Problems

ReviewStatus = "TechnicalProblems"

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-04 Confidential Empty

No coding for the Confidential field

Confidential = ""

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-05 Privileged Missing

No coding for Privilege

Privileged = ""

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-06 PotentiallyPrivileged

Coded Potentially Privileged

Privileged = "PotentiallyPrivileged"

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-07 Privileged Redaction Needed or Redaction Error

Documents marked Privileged but don’t have a redaction and were not marked to withhold

(Privileged = "Privileged") AND NOT (RedactionStatus = "Withhold") AND NOT (HasRedactions=true)

No (foldered in Master)

Yes with Related

CC-08 Redacted Improper Coding

Documents that have redactions but are not marked Privileged,  Potentially Privileged, Redaction Complete or Withhold

((HasRedactions=true) AND NOT (Privileged = ["Privileged" "PotentiallyPrivileged"])) OR ((HasRedactions=true) AND NOT(RedactionStatus =  ["RedactionComplete" "Withhold"]))

No (foldered in Master)


CC-09 Not Privileged Redaction Needed or Redaction Error

Documents that are not privileged and do not have a redaction but were marked as needing redactions

NOT (Privileged = "Privileged") AND (RedactionStatus = ["RedactionNeeded" "RedactionComplete"]) AND NOT (HasRedactions=true)

No (foldered in Master)


IN-01 Privileged Produce

Privileged documents with redactions

(Privileged = "Privileged") AND (RedactionStatus = "RedactionComplete") AND (HasRedactions=true)

No (foldered in Master)


IN-02 NotPriv Redacted Produce

Documents that are not privileged but have redaction versions

NOT (Privileged = "Privileged") AND (RedactionStatus = "RedactionComplete") AND (HasRedactions=true)

No (foldered in Master)


WH-01 Withhold

Marked by reviewer to withhold

RedactionStatus = "Withhold"

No (foldered in Master)


WH-02 PrivWithHeld

Marked as privileged

Privileged = "Privileged"

No (foldered in Master)
