Configure Placeholders

You can configure (create and manage) placeholders for documents you will not produce. These placeholders can be used for all productions run on your site. For example, you might want to insert placeholders to replace documents that would not convert for production, or to show that a file is out of order because it is being produced in a native format. In these instances, inserting a placeholder will show opposing counsel you intentionally removed the file from the production.

It is important to note the Department of Justice (DOJ) requires placeholders to be used for privileged documents, and the placeholder can be established here.

Creating Placeholder Rules:

  1. Click the Produce button, click on the Options link at the top of the Settings column, and select Edit Settings, and click the Save> button from the bottom of the screen until you get to Placeholder Rules.

Note: If placeholder rules already exist, you will see them in listed in the production Settings column from the Production screen.


  1. To create a new Placeholder Rule, click the +New Placeholder Rule button in the New Placeholder Rule window.

Note: Your site may have several placeholders, which may be used for different circumstances and productions as needed.


  1. Enter a field name for the placeholder rule, and at search, create the search you want to execute to determine which placeholder you want the system to use. Then, from the Choose a Placeholder drop down menu, select the placeholder. If you do not have any placeholders configured, select the wrench icon to open the Manage Placeholders window, and select +New Placeholder.

Note: You can also use the Second Position and Third Position sections to enter more information on the placeholder page.


  1. Select Text or Field to type text into the box or place a field’s data in the placeholder page.

  1. At Description, enter any other information or reminders for you and others who run productions on your site. This information does not appear in the produced documents.

  2. Click Create Placeholder. The placeholder will display in the Placeholder page. Use the applicable buttons to view, edit, or delete a placeholder here.