Extension Types

More than 350 different file types can be uploaded and viewed in Insight. Extension types are typically designated during site setup.

Add and Edit Extension Types

To add or edit extension types:

  1. Access the Extension Types page from the Administration menu.

You will see a list of other extensions used in your site, and you can add new ones.

  1. Click the Delete (trash can) button to remove an extension type from the site.

  1. Use the Edit (pencil) button to make changes to an existing extension type.

  2. If you have a file type that does not already have a viewer designated for it, click the Add Extension Type button.

The information you enter in the Extension box must begin with a period/dot (.); you will receive a warning if this is not included. Next use the Viewer Name menu to select the type of viewer Insight will use to display the file. Typically, extensions are entered this way:

  1. You can enter a description or explanation in the Description box.

  2. If you want the viewer to be the default for the file type, select the Default checkbox.

When a reviewer opens a document of this particular file type, the first viewer to display will be the one you have designated as the default. If other views are available, such as a PDF version, the reviewer will still be able to change views.

  1. Click Add.

The extension type is added to your site, is now displayed in the list, and the settings you have selected will be applied to the file extension.