Faceted Search Connector Boxes

The Search Connector boxes in Faceted Search work as specific connectors for your values and clauses in the search query you are building.

Each time you add a value to one of the Search Connector boxes, the number of documents found refreshes based on your entries, so you always have an idea of the counts before you even run the search. The Found count is located in the lower right of the screen. When you are ready to execute your search to access your document results, select Search in the bottom right of your page.

Important: You are developing searches based upon your selected fields and values and the Search Connector boxes you are using. Additionally, if you populate more than one type of Search Connector box, you are also placing an AND connector between each Search Connector box.

In other words, if you have populated the Faceted Search in this way:



You are running this search:


(Filetype = "Email" OR Filetype = "email") AND (Issue = "Damages" AND Author = "gerald.nemec@enron.com") AND (NOT Filetype = "Graphic GIF" AND NOT Author = "matthew.lenhart@enron.com")


In the Results page after you’ve run your search, you can view the query at the top of the page at Search Text.