Static Highlights Administration

If you have permission to access Highlights in the Administration Review Tools section, you can designate terms to appear highlighted.

Click Highlights in the Administration menu. If you have rights to administer more than one security group on your site, ensure you are working in the correct group or expand the Group menu and select the group to ensure the highlights are available to the appropriate users.

To assign highlighting to a new set of terms, click Create Highlight Set. Name your highlight set and select a color so that each word belonging to a set is highlighted in the same color. If your site has our most sophisticated document Viewer enabled, in the Create Highlight Set dialog box, you can create sets based upon terms and patterns. Make your selection at Type. When Pattern Based is selected, find the pattern you need or create a new one

Once the set is created, click Add Highlight Term(s), enter the terms in the text box, and click Add. If you enter more than one term at a time, separate the terms with commas, semi-colons or hard returns. Select the appropriate delimiter.

Highlight terms are not case sensitive and can include wildcards. For example, mar* will highlight both marked and Mary within a document. Avoid using other search syntax characters (quotation marks, parentheses, or brackets). Do not use proximity search syntax (john near/2 doe), as search functionality is not available within highlight sets.

Your new highlight set will now be in the list. To add or remove terms from a highlight set, click the set name. If you added more than one term to your set, you will see each term listed separately by row. To remove an entire set or a specific term from the highlight set, click Delete. To change the properties of a set or to change a highlight term, click the Edit button.